Networking – Two Network Adapters on Hyper-V Host – Best way to configure


I have two physical network adapters installed in my Hyper-V host. I want one to be dedicated to the host, and the other to provide external network services to the VMs. Would the appropriate configuration be as such:

  • Leave the first physical network adapter alone, assigning it the host IP, but not using it to create any Virtual Netorks
  • For the second physical adapter, I would create an External Network, along with a Microsoft Virtual Switch, and use that to provide network services to the VMs. Each virtual NIC for the VM would be associated with that External Network. A static IP would be assigned to this adapter, and each VM would be assigned a static IP as well.

The above seems reasonable to me, but I'm not sure if it's correct. Does anyone have any thoughts?



Best Answer

That sounds like the best way to configure a system with two adapters. But if I'm understanding what you typed, you don't need to configure a static IP to the second adapter if you don't want. Don't be surprised when you look at the properties of the second NIC and IPv4/IPv6 are not bound to it, it should only have the 'Microsoft Virtual Network Switch Protocol' bound to it.

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