Networking – Share Pc’ s wifi internet connection to router and spit it out trough it

internet connectionrouterwireless-networking

Basicly im trying to share the an internet connection that i receive through wifi from my bestfriend's place to my place and Extend it trough a router for my consoles and other computers in my household

i have 1 pc with Wifi /Ethernet , one router "DD-wrt"ed"

Schema is like this

Internet —–>Modem——-> (Friend's)Router —–>to my PC through Wifi (Ics)—-> to Router(2) through lan—–> to Computer 1 (over lan or wifi etc…)
——> Computer 2 (over lan or wifi etc…)

i want the computer 1 and 2 to have internet from Router(2)

if its not clear enough il try to give more details but a little help would be greatly appreciated

Best Answer

The easiest option is to connect your computer to the router via the ethernet card and configure the system to transparently bridge the wifi card and the ethernet card.

This way every other computer connected to your router (working as a switch, not as a router) will see your friends router.

Note that you don't use the router WAN port for this.

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