Networking – Share a VPN connection with non-VPN capable devices


I have a VPN connection through Cisco AnyConnect that I'd like to make available to other devices on my LAN. These devices (tablets, cellphones, media players …) can't handle or don't implement the VPN software required to access the remote point.

My setup is the typical LAN with a router handling DHCP internally and connecting to the outside world. I wanted to have one computer on the LAN that would be in charge of receiving the traffic from these VPNless devices on the LAN and route it through the computer's VPN connection, essentially making the VPN available to those devices.

Not all devices need to connect through the VPN so they would still connect as usual on the LAN.

Is this possible and how can I do this? Does it require separate LANs for the devices that use the VPN and those that don't?

Best Answer

I guess that you are trying to share an Internet location that is available via VPN.

If WiFi is an option, than the following free products can share the connection from the VPN-connected computer :

Virtual Router

Please note that if the VPN server dictates a compulsory tunnel, then logging-on to it will cut off any other access to any external computer, including the LAN, so no sharing is possible.

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