Networking – Set up hostnames on a home network


In my home network, I would like to be able to set up hostnames on my network, rather than accessing computers by IP:


webserver.mynetwork = a Linux VM running on my computer
mylaptop.mynetwork = My laptop (Linux)
mylaptopwin.mynetwork = My laptop while booted into Windows (Vista)
nas.mynetwork = My NAS drive
laptop2.mynetwork = A second laptop on my network (Windows XP used for gaming etc.)
brotherlaptop.mynetwork = My brother's laptop. (Vista)

How would I go about doing this? All of these have a static IP address.

I know I would be able to do this by editing the hosts file on all these computers, but is their a neater solution? I've looked through my router's control panel, and it doesn't seem to have anything relevant. (Netgear WPN111). I can't rely on any of these to be on at any given time.

Best Answer

Hosts file would be the easiest solution.

The only other way would be if you control your own DNS server, in which case you will just need to insert a few entries. You may be able to set up a DNS server if you have another pc on 24/7, but if not, I would say hosts file is the way to go.

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