Networking – Router drops internet connection if I connect an additional PC


I'm using a SMC2804WBRP-G router connected to my ADSL-modem. Usually there are two computers connected to this router: a win7 ultimate desktop(wired) and a macbook air (wireless). Both working absolutely fine and never caused any connection drops as far as I know.

A new room mate moved in last month and each time she starts up her win7 home laptop the router looses the internet connection. The laptop is on a wired connection.

The first time she connected to my router, the connection dropped every 2 mins. To find out whats wrong with her machine I disabled all unnecessary services etc. besides the anti virus software. That helped to eliminate almost all of those periodic connection drops. But the start up drop remained and I've got the feeling that the router is still loosing connection from time to time.

I haven't had the time to find out what service caused the periodic drops. But I'm more concerned about is that start up drop.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to look for the problem? I would be very thankful for any hints or tips!

Best Answer

The new laptop may be infected with a botnet virus. The traffic may be detected by the ISP and the modem disabled. When the connection goes down, is the ADSL modem still connecting to the Internet?

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