Networking – Problem in mapping a network drive

command linenetwork-drivenetworking

I am trying to map a network drive using command:

net use * //

But getting an error message like this:

System error 53 has occurred.

The network path was not found.

I am able to connect to this server machine(linux) using putty as well as Winscp but could not not map it on another machine. What could be reason and what should I do to resolve it??

Best Answer

You might want to try using:

net use * \\\sharename

where you use backslashes and provide the share name for what you're trying to mount.

For example, I went into Explorer and chose to share a random folder using the share name xyzzy. Then, as shown in the following transcript, I could mount it:

C:\Pax> net use * \\\xyzzy
Drive Z: is now connected to \\\xyzzy.

The command completed successfully.

If you use the forward slashes, it thinks you're trying to supply an option:

C:\Pax> net use * //
The option // is unknown.

The syntax of this command is:

NET USE [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume] [password | *]]
        [/USER:[dotted domain name\]username]
        [/USER:[username@dotted domain name]
        [[/DELETE] | [/PERSISTENT:{YES | NO}]]
NET USE {devicename | *} [password | *] /HOME

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3506.

If you leave off the share name, it complains as well:

C:\Pax> net use * \\
System error 67 has occurred.

The network name cannot be found.

If you still get the problem after fixing both of those, there's probably a network issue. "Network path not found" sounds very much like you can't get through to the machine at all.

That may be an issue with firewalls (both in the network infrastructure and/or on the target machine) or the possibility that you don't have sharing enabled on the target machine at all.

One other thing to look into is that Samba is configured correctly on a Linux target machine. If not, you won't be able to get at any of the shares.

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