Networking – Only one wireless connection allowed Internet


I have a TP-LINK TL-WR940N router connected to a cable modem. I have two computers connected via WLAN one of which is a laptop using a 802.11a/b/g/Draft-N card and a PC using TP-LINK TL-WN722N (150Mpbs) external Wireless card.

I have set up DHCP address reservation for these computers assigning them IP addresses from to

My wireless settings use channel 1, 11bg mixed mode on 54Mbps (I have tried various other configurations).

My laptop can connect to the router but has no Internet access, while the PC has Internet access. I got the laptop connection working a few times. However, it wasn't clear what was the issue and I couldn't add new devices to the network. My PC always has connection and all devices can connect to the router, but only the PC can connect to Internet.

I have not NAT setting on the router and I am not using MAC cloning.

Does anyone have a suggestion or a solution?

Edit 1

I have tried resetting the router to factory settings. The whole problem started after I updated the device's firmware. The network was functioning well before the update (I am certain that the firmware was of the correct version).

I also tried ruling out certain things. I have tested the router with the setting for 11g only and I am getting varying results: the laptop had a connection after the setting change, but now has lost it again. The PC has constant connection.

Edit 2

The router is DHCP is configured to assign addresses from to range.

Each computer connected wirelessly to the router can ping the other (all computers in the network can ping one another).

Best Answer

Try factory resetting the router so you can rule out anything you've inadvertently set that's causing a problem. Yes, you'll have to go through setting up the SSID and encryption all over again but if you ONLY change these settings it will be easier to locate the problem.

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