Networking – No internet connection when connected via wi-fi, but fine via ethernet (DD-WRT)


I just bought a new router and installed DD-WRT on it. When I connect to the router via wi-fi, I cannot get an outside internet connection (and in fact, can not connect to the router admin interface at If I connect to it with an ethernet cable, I can get an outside connection just fine. At first that wasn't the case, but I cloned the MAC address of my old router as suggested here, and now get an outside connection.

I've tried to duplicate the settings from my old router as best I can (it was also running DD-WRT), but to no avail. What steps can I take to troubleshoot and solve this problem?

Best Answer

  1. Check you have received the IP from the DHCP pool.
  2. Ensure the wireless NIC MAC is not blocked in the router for any reason.
  3. Login to the admin interface (in wired) and verify the WLAN settings.
  4. Make sure the authenticate / encryption are selected appropriate.
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