Networking – Multiple wifi routers, interconnected through ethernet, to improve coverage


I have two rooms that I need wifi coverage for. In each room, I have a wifi router connected via wired internet. How do I setup my routers so that they appear as a single AP and my devices can auto switch to the one with stronger signal as I walk between the two rooms?

Best Answer

There are other, simpler, less elegant solutions, but in order to set this up the way you want it, where moving between access points is completely seamless, you will need routers which support wireless distribution system. Essentially the way WDS works is that each router is configured with the same radio channel, encryption scheme, and (for usability's sake, though not technically required) SSID. One or more base stations is connected by ethernet, and then repeater stations rebroadcast that signal. Clients can move back and forth between access points transparently; you will automatically connect to whichever is closest. You will need routers which are compatible and support WDS for this to work.

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