Networking – major network mask and subnet mask


I've been served with a question to find Major Network Mask and I've only given Host IP address and sub-net mask. I have to find the Major Network Mask using Host IP and sub-net mask.

Another stackoverflow question says both are the same

I've attached screenshots of the question and the steps.

The step describes how to filter host and network information, but you need to find Major Network mask to draw M.D. line.

Step describing drawing M.D line

but in my question, I've only given Host IP and subnet mask.
enter image description here

Best Answer

Major Network Mask is always assigned by the class of the IP addresses used on the network.

If a network has Class A IP Addresses assigned to hosts, Major Network Mask is

Class A:

Class B:

Class C:

In my case, IP address is a Class A IP address,so the Major Network Mask is

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