Networking – long delay during ssh login


When I connect to my Debian server via ssh, the ssh client tries to establish a IPv6 connection. This fails after a long timeout (~30sec), then falls back to IPv4, which then succeeds, and I'm prompted for a password.

This is quite annoying, because I often miss the time I can enter the password (password timeout feels really short in comparison), and I have to sit through this again.

This happens both on Windows via putty and on my Debian machine using the standard ssh client.

I like to fix this either by making the IPv6 connection working or by directly connecting via IPv4.

  • How can I find out why I'm unable to connect via IPv6?
  • How can I configure my ssh client to connect via IPv4?

Here is what my output of ssh is like (changed personal data)

> ssh -v
OpenSSH_6.9p1 Debian-2, OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/someuser/.ssh/config
debug1: /home/someuser/.ssh/config line 12: Applying options for
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to [1234:1234:1234:1234::1] port 12345.

after this ssh waits for ~30sec (as mentioned above), and then falls back to IPv4 and I can login as usual.


I did some testing, and I think the server is not setup correctly for IPv6
(although ping6 ::1 and ssh -6 ::1 worked). For now I will configure my ssh clients to use IPv4 until I figured out how to fix IPv6 on my server.

Best Answer

The best approach, in my opinion, is to get things working (rather than working around what isn't working). So, fix IPv6.

Does ping6/ping for IPv6 work? Can you ssh to "::1"? Does firewall rules permit the incoming traffic to the IPv6 address?

Is Reverse DNS set up? If not, OpenBSD FAQ about Reverse DNS specifically describes this behavior in OpenSSH, and adjusting that by getting Reverse DNS working or by adding entries to a /etc/hosts file.

Or, if you'd like to not follow my earlier advice of getting things to work instead of performing a workaround, you could disable the lookups (rather than make the lookups succeed).

This guide says to add UseDNS=no to the sshd_config file (and then don't forget to have sshd reload the config), and also have sshd be started with the "-u0" option.

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