Networking – Largest subnet mask for a Class C network


We started a TCP/IP introductory course at work today, and learned about the different classes of network addresses:

Class A addresses are from thru 127.x.x.x
Class B addresses are from thru 191.x.x.x
Class C addresses are from thru 223.x.x.x
Class D addresses are from thru 239.x.x.x
Class E addresses are from thru 255.x.x.x

I'm not clear on the possible subnet sizes for the different classes of networks. For example, what is the largest subnet mask possible for a Class C network? Is it, or could you also have and

Best Answer

There are no classes, they were deprecated in 1994 (seriously, that was 18 years ago as of writing this). Your teacher should be fired for even mentioning them (outside a history class) as it will only confuse you when you learn how networks actually work.

Networks are subnetted using CIDR (and expressed in CIDR notation). While the old class system maps to particular CIDR subnets, it's a terrible concept. In short, try to forget what you've already learned and dive into How does IPv4 Subnetting Work?