Networking – IIS URL-rewrite doesn’t work


I have an IIS setup with redirect rules that work perfectly fine on my Windows machine. However – I'm starting to use Mac – so I installed a VirtualBox VM with windows on it and used the exact same setup. Now the windows VM I got running on VirtualBox for Mac is the same as the same as the physical Windows machine I used so far.

Problem is that the url redirect is not working. From the guest machine (windows) I browse to the URL that should be redirected and it doesn't happen properly.
I assume this has something to do with how I configure the network for the virtual machine – do I have to create port forwarding rules? Which ones?

Here's the rule – from web.config (it works just fine on a physical machine):

<rule name="API" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="api/.*" />
    <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:0}" />

Regarding the VM – I defined two network adapters:

  • 1: NAT

  • 2: Host-only Adapter

Note that I have access to the web from the guest machine, I can also access my web service locally – all is fine except for the URL rewrite when the rule is applied.

Best Answer

Out of the box, UrlRewrite can only do rewrites to the same page, like this:

<rule name="Rewrite to article.aspx">
<match url="^article/([0-9]+)/([_0-9a-z-]+)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="article.aspx?id={R:1}&amp;title={R:2}" />

It seems you are trying to do a rewrite to entirely another site on another domain and possibly do ssl offloading - this is what Reverse Proxy does. For this to work, you have to have Application Request Routing installed.

What I would do to debug this config is:

  1. Replace rewrite action with a redirect and see if it works - this way you make sure that the rule gets applied for your request.
  2. If all you're trying to do is a rewrite within your site, change the rewrite url to a relative one.
  3. If you indeed need to do a rewrite to a different site, install and configure ARR (which itself can bring another set of problems)
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