Networking – How to stop intermittent playback on airtunes (iTunes + Airport Express)


Is there a definitive answer for how to stop intermittent "skips" or pauses while playing music from iTunes to an airport express connected to my home stereo? When I read other forums I see a wealth of posts that say "I did XYZ and it's fixed" followed by "I tried XYZ and it didn't work."

This does not appear to be signal strength related. The green light on the Airport Express does not turn to yellow/orange. Other wireless devices have no trouble connecting at the same or greater distances from the wireless router.

Best Answer

As soon as I started storing music on my timecapsule and streaming through itunes to airport express, the stream would stop after a couple songs. When playing music on my hard drive there was no problem, just when streaming from the remote hard drive. After searching and experimenting I found no solutions. I downloaded a free trial of Airfoil and realized that the stream was uninterrupted whether from the TC or local.

I know it's not a free solution but its not that expensive, can be used to stream any program and its only $20.

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