Networking – How to secure the home PCs when the neighbors are allowed to connect to the internet through the home wireless router


This is a follow-up question to What are the ways to monitor and limit the internet connection speed that individual computers are getting from my wireless router?.

How can I make sure that my home PCs are secure from my neighbors snooping when they are connected through the internet using my wireless router?

Edit: PCs at home use various OSes ranging from Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, to Windows XP/Vista/7.

Best Answer

Depending on the OS's you run on your PC's, I assume XP, Vista, or W7, they all have a built in firewall, check each PC firewall setting and turn Off file and print sharing on each PC, set strong passwords on each user account on each PC. If you need to share files on your home network you will need to turn on password protected sharing.

Strong passwords consist of at least 8 characters that consist of Upper and Lower case letters, a number and a special character like ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}

One other thing you can do is to set up a secondary wireless router for you neighbors, put them on their own subnet that is different from yours, this would be the most secure way to isolate the 2 networks.

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