Networking – How to remove permanent map of a network drive on OS X Lion

network-drivenetworkingosx lion

Some time ago I mapped a network drive on my Snow Leopard Mac, which was upgraded to Lion.
The network drive is not active any more and I receive popups all the time with the error:

There was a problem connecting to the server XXXX.

I have no idea how I configured at the time. I may have included a mount command, in a config file but I don't know any more where I did it.

I reviewed the Preferences/Account/Login items and there is no permanent mapping there.

OSX is updated as Nov 27,2011 and the issue is not related to the upgrade to Lion itself but to a misconfiguration.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

(If you have the opposite problem, here is the link to solve it: Permanently map a network drive on Mac OS X Leopard)

Best Answer

I was getting this random pop up randomly...

(screen captures available at: drivecreative/fix )

that said, "There was a problem connecting to the server "M17".

I use to have my 17" laptop connected via wifi to my MacPro. If my laptop was off, I would often get this dialog telling me that M17 was missing.

Which it was.

If my laptop was on, then no random messages. So far so good. But what happens when you replace your laptop with a new MBPr with a new name? Well.. you get these little reminders about your missing machine whether you want them or not...

To stop the madness...

in finder, go to the "Go" menu and select "Connect to Server..."

After the "Connect to Server" window pops up, click the button with the "clock icon" and select "Clear Recent Servers..."

A scary dialog box pops up, click "ok" if you are not scared.

E r i c W h i t e { D r i v e C r e a t i v e . n e t }

(screen captures available at: drivecreative/fix )


It would be nice if we had a "Forget" button on the dialog this dialog so it would be obvious how to resolve this issue.

It would be nice to be able to just clear the one connection that is giving you issues instead of doing a "clear entire list" solution we have now...

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