Networking – How to increase squid Performance


I have installed squid3.1.19 and divert all traffic from our network to proxy server from mikrotik router. mikrotik router is the final gateway for our network. After I configure squid, internet connection for our network becomes very very slow. How do I solve this problem.

I have updated squid to 3.3.4 version and followed this link to tune up squid but no use.

Right now I have commented out all that I have done by above given link, there is no cache as well, squid acting as anonymous proxy not cache proxy but no luck no improvement in speed.

System Details

OS: Ubuntu server 12.04.
RAM: 1 GB + 256 MB.
HardDisk: 80 GB.
Processor: Pentium 4, 2.40Gz.
Squid: version 3.3.4.


  1. Loading web page is pretty slow.
  2. When I set cache in squid, initially it used 17M. I have checked by du -sh /var/spool/squid3. I checked next day it was still used 17M after one day internet usage. so basically cache wasn't working properly then I had to comment all cache related lines in squid.conf since I decided to have only anonymous proxy.
  3. We are 8 people in our network. so 8 people's traffic pass over proxy.
  4. We have internet speed at 2Mbps. We had good internet connection with this 2Mbps when there was no proxy server.
  5. result is in error. always ask me for TryAgain

Best Answer

How many users? What do you consider slow? What's the load on the box? What is slow? Are downloads slow as well or just "getting to the page?" What is the throughput? have you tried running speedtests?

Is Squid really an issue here? What is the download speed form the Squid box? (try something with curl/wget)

Check DNS servers, try puttying Google's into /etc/resolv.conf:


It's almost impossible to help you out as you are not very specific. We don't knwo what you have tried so far and what is slow. Pings? Downloads? Name resolution? You seems to suggest taht Squid is at issue here but it could be your NIC configuration/MTU/DNS etc etc.

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