Networking – How to Connect Two Sets of Computers Within My Home Office So There’s No Cables On the Floor


I have a group of five computers at one end of my home office and another group of four computers across the same room. All are hardwired on the same internal network. These cannot be consolidate or moved into one corner or closet. There just is not the space and it's just physically not possible.

There is one Internet router as provided by the local cable company. I have this connected to a LinkSys WRT54G2 broadband router. A Netgear DS108 8-port hub is connected the LinkSys. All computers either connect to the Netgear hub or to the LinkSys router. As of now, the WiFi from the LinkSys router is only ever used by my cell phone while at home.

This set up is annoying. At first I did not mind, but there are cables on the floor that I have to step over. These CAT5 cables connect one set of computers to the LinkSys or Netgear. I have to watch where visitors are walking or stepping to assure they don't trip.

How can I keep these computers on the same network and eliminate just those cables crossing the floor of my home office?

It seems easy to see my only option is to use some kind of wireless method, right?

Should I use WiFi NICs? Would this overwhelm the WiFi on the LinkSys?

(Although I did first search this site for similar questions, I could not readily find one. If you find one I missed, please share it's link.)

Thank you for any help.

Additional (01/27/2012 at 16:40:28 UTC)

This is a rented flat/apartment. I cannot pull up carpet, punch holes in walls, and there's no access to attic. Modifying the flat risks losing my 'security deposit'.

Best Answer

I would use powerline networking to link to a switch at the far end.

You can buy a pair of HomePlug units that plug into ordinary wall electric sockets. They will bridge the two ends of the room together without any cables lying on the floor.

Diagram of Homeplug network A combined homeplug adapater & ethernet switch

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