Networking – How to block specific sites on Asus wifi router


I have this router (Asus Wireless-N300 Router). Also I have Windows 7 workstation and ipad 4. The workstation is connected to router with help a ethernet cable. Ipad 4 gets internet on wifi.

I want to block specific sites on wifi network. For example, I want to block the site on Ipad, but this site have to work on the workstation. To complete this task, I wish to block sites for Wireless network. I don't know, how to do this.

The router has a classic dashboard, which available on But there is no some setting, which can block sites on wifi.

I know one workaround solution. I can deploy own dns server, add domain to black list in this server, and add to host file on windows workstation. But this solution is so complicated for such simple task.

Best Answer

probably default firmware is not able to do that, but personally I always choose routers which are able to run 3rd party firmware.

Luckily your router is supported by one of the best 3rd party firmwares: DD-WRT. You can check the support status by entering "N12" into search field here:

And here are detailed upgrade instructions:

Once you are on DD-WRT, just open router IP (default is, default login is "root" and password is set on first login.

Then go to "Access Restrictions" and enter desired sites under "Website Blocking by URL Address" or even block by keyword here "Website Blocking by Keyword".

Detailed description from DD-WRT:

Website Blocking by URL Address: You can block access to certain websites by entering their URL.

Website Blocking by Keyword: You can block access to certain website by the keywords contained in their webpage.

Final recommendation: Do all work over Ethernet cable only, do have downloaded latest original ASUS firmware and recovery procedure to you computer, or make sure you have backup Internet connection available (example direct internet without router).

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