Networking – Extend local network using a DSL wireless modem as an access point


Is it possible to convert a DSL modem to an access point in order to extend your network?

I have a Linksys WAG54G-AU on the ground floor apartment and a spare LevelOne WBR-3460B which I hope could be used as an Access Point on the second floor. My goal is to be able to extend and access the network wirlessly, I would prefer to keep the same password and SSID of the existing wireless and use the existing Ethernet cable that is on the third floor, so nothing too fancy, I would also prefer not to mess with other firmware if possible.

Note: The purpose of this is to extend the network from the ground floor to the second floor using an Ethernet cable and the mentioned modems/routers.

P.S.: After some research on the internet I found this post by a guy who said that he managed to do it but had some problems with the wireless of the second modem, I'm not sure what he did…–>

Best Answer

First of all, you "WBR-3460B DSL modem" is not just a DSL modem. As you can see in the manual it is an composite device with:

  • Either a POST (A) or ISDN (B) ADSL modem
  • An integrated wireless G access point, and
  • A build in router.

There is no reason why you have to use the DSL part. You can use it as a WAP assuming the firmware supports it.

Do do that you need to make sure that:

  1. Turn off DHCP on the device you want to use as a WAP. You want all DHCP request answered by one single device. Not two who race who can answer first and all potential conflicts of dual administration.
  2. The new modem does not use the same IP as any other device in your network (esp. make sure if it not set to the same IP as your other router). Easiest way to do this: Set the modem as DHCP client. (client, not service which you just disabled).

The next steps depends on your firmware and your goals:

  • Do you want the 'WAP' to have the same SSID and same password as the Linksys?
  • Do you want to isolate the network?
  • Etc etc..

Add those goals to your post.

Should you have a goal which can not be met with the original firmware, then check out dd-wrt, Open WRT, Tomatoe and similar firmwares. Do read their manual pages before trying any of them.

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