Networking – Does a long Wifi Pre-Shared Key and a hidden SSID slow the network


I just have some small question. I used to put really long complicated passwords for my Wifi network. I even used to hide the SSID of the network. Does it slow down the wifi performance? My Android devices once had problems connecting to the hidden network. So… my questions are…

  1. Does hiding the SSID and adding long password slow the Wifi connection?
  2. Does it give rise to other connection problems?
  3. Is it the cause for frequent connection drops?

My router is DIR-615 – e4 and I faced problems with a new Galaxy Tab 2 and my new HP laptop also have problems connecting occasionally.

Best Answer

  1. No.

  2. It has no benefit, so just don't do it. But it can make it harder for clients to find the access point and it can make it impossible for clients to pick the best access point (if you have more than one).

  3. That's possible if the access point isn't locked on one frequency and is set to choose a frequency automatically. It's not that likely if the AP is set to one channel.

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