Networking – DNS server at router level vs. computer level


I've three questions.

  1. Is it better/faster/optimal to set up your server's preferred and alternate DNS servers in your OS's network settings or in your router settings?

  2. Will it cause problems if it is set up in both places, both pointing to the same IPs?

  3. I am running Windows and I have my network assign a static IP to one of my computers. This doesn't allow me to obtain the DNS server addresses from my router automatically. Is there an IP I can put in that will cause it to take the DNS server addresses from the router?

Best Answer

I've done it both ways.

  1. Your router typically caches the DNS entries it requests, and you only need to set it up once. Practically, after the first lookup it should be faster. Its also simpler, since you only need to set it up in one place. I don't use my ISP DNS servers so I alwyas set it up here

  2. no - your PC will simply ignore the router's dns server

  3. Your router's ip address IIRC. I used to run a seperate dns server inside my network at one point, and I simply used its ip address

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