Networking – Difference between Network Address and Router Address


I've been reading about IP addressing and came up with the following conclusions-

  • A subnet mask divides an IP address into network address and host address.
  • A network address always ends with a series of 0's like (mostly for all subnets) such as, and

  • Routers act as intermediate stations to transfer data to the correct network.

    Now, I have the following questions

  • What actually is network address ? Does it identify any real world host or Router? i.e. are addresses like, or actually assigned to any routers or hosts.
  • If they are assigned to routers then why is my local lan router identified as which is not a network address (it doesn't have a trailing 0) and not as any other network address such as


    Does it work this way,
    Suppose a request for comes to a router, the router applies the subnet mask to it and suppose comes out with the network address as, so now it will check it's routing table for network address as and refer to the corresponding router address entry that is capable of handle this request and that router further handles the requests.
    Are my following assumptions true-

  • A router finds the Network address from the IP address and checks its routing table.
  • The routing table contains entries in the form of Network Address vs Router address and then a matched router address is picked up for forwarding the request.
  • All request's for IP address in the range to will be mapped to network address and will be sent to the same router for further routing.

    Kindly help.

Best Answer

A subnet mask divides an IP address into network address and host address.

Correct. Apply the mask and you can see which part belongs to the network, and the reminder is the host address.

e.g. mask and would yield

IP:   00000001.00000010.00000011.0000100  ( in binary)
Mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.0000000  (mask in binary)
Net:  00000001.00000010.00000011.0        (

A network address always ends with a series of 0's like (mostly for all subnets) such as, and

It often does, but part of that is habitual. I could use a netmask of (Binary 11111111.11111111.11111111.1000000) to get smaller subnets. And would be a network address, with the first possible IP on it, the second possible etc etc.

And for to the broadcast IP would be

Routers act as intermediate stations to transfer data to the correct network.

Correct. They look at their routing table. If know have a specific route then they apply it. If not they forward it to their standard place. This is where the default gateway comes in.

Now, I have the following questions- What actually is network address ? Does it identify any real world host or Router? i.e. are addresses like, or actually assigned to any routers or hosts.

No. Network address are usually not assigned. They could be but then things would break down in most cases because the network address used to be used as the broadcast address before this got changed to the highest address in the network. Different implementations of IP stack would make using the network adress fun.

You might get away with it in very specific circumstances. E.g. on a specifc OS and with specific routers. But once you start to mix things, upgrade drivers or send things outside of your control (e.g. onto the Internet) you are going to have job security while debugging...

If they are assigned to routers then why is my local lan router identified as which is not a network address

That is merely a normal IP. is usually used as a /24, with usuable IPs from though (65536-2 IPs). With the first IP usually reserved and the last IP reserved (as broadcast address).

Most SoHo setups take the RFC1918 range of, split in into 256 smaller subnets (/24) and assign the router the first or the last usable IP.

This makes a lot of sense when you design a network. One of the first things you need to plan the a way off the local network, and giving that the first IP got to be custom. But that is pure custom. Giving the router and IP of is equally valid.

Suppose a request for comes to a router, the router applies the subnet mask to it and suppose comes out with the network address as, so now it will check it's routing table for network address as and refer to the corresponding routing table entry that is capable of handle this request and that router further handles the requests.

Are my following assumptions true?

A router finds the network address from the IP address and checks its routing table.


The routing table contains entries in the form of network address vs Router address and then a matched router address is picked up for forwarding the request.

Not sure about the versus. It contains network addresses. Briefly it does this:

  • If the routers was the destination then the packet is handled up.
  • If the router was not the destination then a router will check if it has a specific entry for a that host. Of it has it will forward it based on that.
  • If the router was not the destination then a router will check if it has a specific entry for a network. If it has then it will forward it based on that.
  • If the router was not the destination and it has neither of those then it will forward it to the default gateway as set on that router

All request's for IP address in the range to will be mapped to network address and will be sent to the same router for further routing.

Only for a /16. There are 30 possible network masks (excluding and host-to-host specific ones) and only 3 of those end on the common round .0's

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