Networking – Change Ethernet adapter speed from 100.0 Mbps to 1.0 Gbps


The stock NIC on my MSI Big Bang Xpower is a Realtek PCIe GBE RTL8111DL adapter. The NIC is reporting a speed of 100.0 Mbps, but the manufacturer's website says it is a Gigabit controller.

I read the NIC will auto negotiate the connection speed to the highest availalbe. I have it connected to a D-Link 5 port DGS 2205, which is a Gigabit device. Since both devices are Gigabit, I would expect the NIC to connect using a Gigabit speed.

I have another computer connected to this switch, and that comptuer is reporting 1.0 Gbps. So I suspect a configuration problem with the first computer's NIC. All connections use Cat5e cable.

How can I configure this Gigabit NIC to connect at speeds of 1.0 Gbps?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You need to check the cables

  • There are cables and cables. Since you have two, switch them between the machines and see what happens
  • Sometimes there are problems with the cables not being plugged in properly (esp. if the "hook" doesn't work or is missing). While I'd expect no connection, check this anyway.
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