Networking – Certificate issue on remote desktop

certificatenetworkingremote desktop

see the below link:
Certificate issue on remote desktop

I have 2 PCs with Windows 7 Ultimate. Both are in NETHOME, and are connected with a crossover cable.

PC 1: computer name = alfa -> (main PC) , IP =
PC 2: computer name = beta-lap ->(laptop) , IP =

When I want to remote in to one of these PCs from the other, I get this error:

Full Title :  
Remote Desktop Connection    
Body Text :  
The remote computer could not be authenticated due to problems with its security certificate. It may be unsafe to proceed.

Certificate name

Name in the certificate from the remote computer:


Certificate errors

The following errors were encountered while validating the remote computer's certificate:

The certificate is not from a trusted certifying authority.

Do you want to connect despite these certificate errors? [Yes] [No]

[ ] Don't ask me again for connections to this computer 

I can bypass it by checking "connect despite these certificate errors", and can then view the remote computer. But is this normal?

Also, there is an attention icon on the network connection icon in each computer's system tray. What is the problem with this little network?

Best Answer

Is this normal -

Yes it is, Windows Vista/2008+ secures the remote connection with a self signed certificate. This certificate only exists on the server and until you import it on your machine, you will get a warning.

How to fix -

You can view the certificate then import it to your local store and it will be trusted.

The reason for this is simply in a large corporate environment, with their own certificate authority, they can give every machine a certificate, and, as the root will be trusted, all computers will "know" each other automatically.

as for the attention icons, I can't help you here - this sounds like you have networking issues on your machine (local only/no internet etc.) and that is a completely separate question that I need more information on to help you with.