Networking – Can’t Connect to Work Network with Personal Laptop


I'm trying to use my personal laptop (Windows 7 Home Premium) on my work's wireless network, but I can't seem to authenticate and get in. I believe the network is using WPA2 (Enterprise?)

It asks for a username and password. For the username, I've tried "Domain\Username", but that doesn't seem to work. Weirdest thing is that on my personal iPod touch, I can use "Domain\Username" and my password for the network, and it connects just fine!

Anyone know a reason why it won't work on my laptop too?

Best Answer

There are probably security checks that are run on your system while connecting that fail. Is the work network supposed to allow personal devices to be connected? Most I am familiar with are not.

Some companies offer guest wireless networks that do not allow access to the "main" network resources.

I would go so far as to say, unless there is compelling reason otherwise, a business network should never allow connection of non-business owned assets, due to security and privacy issues, and in accordance with best practices.

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