Networking – Can’t access the ddwrt router web interface from local wired connection


I'm facing a weird issue:
I can't access my ddwrt router web interface ( from local wired connection, but I do can access it from a wifi connection (in the same subnet). Also, I can access my router web interface through a predefined DDNS address and I can't SSH to from my local wired connection (Windows error 10061).
What I've checked/done so far:
1. Checked that there are no Firewall rules blocking.
2. Checked that there are no problematic records in 'hosts' file.
3. Removed a VPN client (Purevpn).
and as you guess – nothing helped.

Any suggestions? Because I'm clueless..

Best Answer

Eventually, it was a VLAN Misconfiguration with VMware - I'v reset the VMware virtual network/s to default, and the problem has resolved from itself.

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