Networking – Application requires IP address, need it to go to domain


We use a (poorly-designed) application that requires the IP address of our corporate office which has a static public IP address. However, when our failover internet kicks in, it obviously has a different static public IP address and then remote connections fail.

If the application would accept a domain name, I would use that with dynamic DNS, but it doesn't accept a domain name.

Is there any way to input an IP address but get to our domain name? I had two thoughts that I haven't tried yet.

  1. Set up a local IP address that redirects to our domain name (e.g. goes to However, I'm not quite sure how I would do this. Set up a Raspberry Pi with a web server maybe.

  2. Purchase web hosting with a dedicated IP address and have it redirect to our domain which then could get updated as needed.

Any thoughts on how to achieve this?

Best Answer

A reverse proxy is a good idea, but may be limited by protocol.

I'd solve this problem by setting up a VPN (which provides security - if the app is that badly written it does not do a DNS lookup it's probably not using decent crypto either). Using a VPN means your addresses can all be rfc1918 ( ie private ones ), and the app won't even care when the external addresses change.

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