Netsh – Fixing netsh wlan Add Profile Not Importing Encrypted Passphrase

exportimportnetshwindows 7wireless-networking

I exported a wireless network connection profile from a Windows 7 machine correctly connected to a WiFi network with a WPA-TKIP passphrase. The exported xml file shows the correct settings and a keyMaterial node which I can only guess is the encrypted passphrase.

When I take the xml to another Windows 7 computer and import it using netsh wlan add profile filename="WiFi.xml", it correctly adds the profile's SSID and encryption type, but a balloon pops up saying that I need to enter the passphrase.

Is there a way to import the passphrase along with all other settings or am I missing something about adding profiles?

Here is the exported xml with personal information removed:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="">

Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks.

Update: It seems if I export the settings using key=clear, the passphrase is stored in the file unprotected and I can import the file on another computer without issue. I've updated my question to reflect my findings.

Best Answer

Just use the key=clear parameter when exporting the profiles.

netsh wlan export profile key=clear

Now the passphrase/key will be stored in the XML file(s) in the clear. When you import the profile (as above), you will not be prompted for a passphrase.

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