NETGEAR ReadyNAS SSH connection closes immediately


I've installed the Enable Root SSH Access plugin to my ReadyNAS Ultra 4. It used to work, but now I'm only getting this message:

$ ssh tomas@
tomas@'s password: 
Last login: Fri Sep 13 20:07:33 2013 from on pts/0
Linux leviathan #1 SMP Thu Jul 26 05:00:36 PDT 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Last login: Fri Sep 13 20:07:55 2013 from
Connection to closed.

The connection is closed immediately, never giving me a chance to input any commands. The only change that has happened since SSH worked (that I know of) is updating the firmware of the NAS. Also, the SSH plugin isn't showing up in the "Installed Add-ons" list. Any chance the firmware update screwed up the SSH plugin? I successfully installed the plugin again, but with no effect.

Best Answer

Well that was embarrassing. I just realized I have to connect using the root user, as the name of the plugin suggests.

$ ssh root@
root@'s password: 
Last login: Fri Sep 13 20:30:42 2013 from on pts/0
Linux leviathan #1 SMP Thu Jul 26 05:00:36 PDT 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux

After you login as the root user, you may edit /etc/passwd and give your user account(s) a valid shell rather than the default of /bin/false. Once you do that, you can ensure local user accounts don't have bad permissions on their respective .ssh directories and then they may also get an interactive login. (You may also use password authentication.)

Change root's password — it defaults to the same default for admin and you don't want that.

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