Netflix streaming stops loading at 98% on Revo 3700


I'm trying to stream Netflix on an Acer Revo 3700 running Windows 7 Home Premium, but it hangs on the loading screen at 98% (after it has formatted the player to the right aspect ratio and added the controls, but before the video starts) with no error messages or failures.

I have two other machines on the same network, one running Windows 7 Home Premium and another running XP, which both stream faultlessly.

Things I have tried:

  • Both a wired and wireless connection
    to the router
  • Upgrading the video and audio drivers
  • IE, Chrome and Firefox
  • Boxee software
  • Connecting with a VGA cable instead of HDMI (in case it is a HDCP thing)
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling Silverlight.
  • Getting someway into loading a HD movie and turning "Allow HD" off

Does anyone know what Netflix is doing at the 98% load mark? Are there any log files? Anything else worth trying?

Full disclosure:

I'm using Netflix from the UK through a US based VPN. I've tried multiple VPNs and the problem is exactly the same, also the other machines on the same network through the same VPN work fine so I don't think this is the issue, but it might be a factor. The region check happens at around 7% and I get past that.

Best Answer

I tried everything and the only thing that worked for me after countless attempts following the suggestions of others I've found in my search for an answer is as follows: I opened Microsoft Silverlight from the Start Menu>All Programs>Microsoft Silverlight>Microsoft Silverlight and selected the application data tab. I then deselected to allow application storage and deleted Netflix from the list and tried to use Netflix. After receiving an error on Firefox pointing at Silverlight as the cause, I reselected to allow application storage and clicked OK. It works now. Good luck.

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