Netbeans (java) shows empty window in tiling window manager (awesome wm)


I use the "awesome" (tiling) window manager (with default config) and want to run netbeans (java app).

But the window is completely grey. The installer window was it too, so i installed under KDE.

I guess it has to do how java talks to the deskop or WM but found it hard to find the right keywords to search for this issue

Best Answer

The JVM contains a hard-coded list of non re-parenting window managers such as Awesome. You can fix this by using the wmname utility provided by in the package suckless-tools to set the window manager name property of the root window:

sudo apt-get install suckless-tools


wmname LG3D


wmname compiz

Then restart or launch your Java application.

I've confirmed this to be working on JDK 1.7u3 with Netbeans 7.1 on Ubuntu 11.10/Awesome.

For additional details, check out Awesome's wiki on the issue.

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