Mysql WorkBench : Exporting table data backup


How do I export tabluar data using Mysql WorkBench 5.2.37 CE Rev 8576? It seems I can export table schemas no problem but the .sql file generated has no data whatsoever?

Steps taken:

  1. Established and Connected to Database
  2. Go To Manage Import / Export
  3. Go To Data Export
  4. Select Databases and Tables
  5. Export to Dump Project Folder
  6. Start Export

Is it that this program won't export data?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is it a bug?

Best Answer

The export should be default include the table data. Make sure that Skip table data (no-data) in the options sub-panel is unchecked before you start the export.

If that doesn't work, try reverse engineering your database by going to the menu option Database > Reverse Engineer and complete the steps.

After you've reverse engineered your database, go to File > Export > Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script.

Under SQL Options, check the box Generate INSERT statements for Tables and then continue the export process.

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