My Asus Laptop Power Supply is Broken — or is it

laptoppower supply

System is an Asus N53S laptop. For several months I've been having the standard problem with a flaky DC plug that doesn't work unless it's positioned just so. Just to make life more fun, the battery no longer holds much of a charge, so the system is pretty much useless unless its plugged in. Being short of money, I've postponed fixing either problem.

Now suddenly the power supply is totally nonfunctional. If the power supply hasn't been used in a while, I can plug in the AC end and see the light go on. As soon as I plug in the DC end, the power supply light goes out and the charging light on the laptop never comes on. Disconnect the DC cable, give the power supply a few minutes and its light comes back on.

My first thought is to run down to Office Depot and buy a generic power supply. (There's one that officially supports my model laptop.) But suppose the power supply is fine and it's all the DC socket? That means waiting a whole day for the repair shop to open (of course this had to happen on a Memorial Day weekend).

So which of my bad choices is least bad? Should I spend $40 I can't spare on a new power supply, or should I lose a day's work that I can't spare either and wait for the repair shop to open?

(Yes, I know my situation is too specific, but the basic problem is general enough.)

Best Answer

Try to remove the battery and test PSU without the battery inside. Great resistance of almost dead battery cells could have created the problem here.

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