Multiple Monitors on One Screen


Does anyone know of any software/hardware configuration that will allow you to preview/view the contents multiple monitors on one monitor? Let's pretend:

  1. I have two monitors hooked up to one pc, Monitor A and Monitor B. The monitors are not near each other.
  2. I'd like to be able to preview/see what's displaying on Monitor B on Monitor A

I haven't been able to find much about this, but I imagine it may not currently be possible to access/emulate video output going out of a video port in software.

However, wouldn't it be possible to capture display data generated by the OS kernel or data getting passed down to the display adapter driver?

Best Answer

One solution that accomplishes this task is to run a VNC server on the pc with multiple monitors, then connect to that pc using a VNC Client(that connects to the VNC server running on localhost) on the same pc.

I tested this with a couple VNC servers, and got good results with TightVNC.

I also created a guide with instructions and screenshots: Multiple Monitors on One Screen

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