Multi-Core CPU – Can a 3×2.1GHz CPU Be Considered 6.3GHz?


I have an AMD A6-3500 three-core CPU. AMD System Monitor shows each core with a maximum 2100 MHz. This also shows in AMD OverDrive.

Does this processor run at the speed 3*2100 MHz?

AMD System monitor showing 2100*3 MHz


Can I say that I have got a 6.3 GHz processor?

Best Answer

Multi-core CPU:s can perform several actions per clock cycle, loosely speaking. The clock speed is measured in Hz, and it is not correct to say that it is tripled just because you have more cores.

Everyone loves car analogies! A three-file motorway as compared to a one-file motorway with the same speed limit will not predictably enable you to arrive at your destination three times faster.

If you run perfectly parallelizable processes, then a three-core CPU can effectively perform operations at three times the capacity of a single-core CPU at the same clock speed ("all motorway lanes filled").

However, subsequent CPU operations often depend on previous ones and thus can not be run in parallel. With a perfectly linear process, you will only be able to do calculations on a single core at a time, and thus effectively be identical in processing speed to a single-core CPU.

Therefore it is very incorrect to say that 3-core CPU @ 2.1GHZ = 6.3GHz.

For further information, see

EDIT to address your question edit. Quoting myself from above:

Therefore it is very incorrect to say that 3-core CPU @ 2.1GHZ = 6.3GHz.

No, you do not have a 6.3GHz CPU. It would perhaps be something that someone without technical knowledge in a marketing department that tries to sell you new hardware would say, but it is false.

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