MacOS – MS Word – Removing Header working Only OS X Preview Mode

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Maybe is a fool question.

If this site isn't for this question or if my question isn't clear, please tell me!

I have a long Word Document and I'm using MAC OS X "El Capitan" and Word 2016 for MAC.
I can see in preview mode (not opening the Word Document) an old image (of another Social Partner Company) above of Content (pages) instead of Header.

I review Watermark, but According to my review is there not Watermark.
I deleted Header (For Windows with CTRL+A, for MAC CMD+A), But I See the Old Image still with "Empty" Document.

I haven't clue what is this!

How remove the Background image (working Only in Preview Mode)?

Unfortunately I can't post an image the another company, but it is similar to a watermark background in an empty Word Document.

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