Windows – Mozilla Firefox anti-aliasing different on different systems

firefoxfontswindows 7

I have a laptop and a desktop PC, both running Windows Home Premium. Mozilla Firefox is the default browser.

The thing is, the anti-aliasing / font-smoothing in Firefox is pretty good on my desktop PC, and kinda rough in the Firefox on my laptop.

Website I tested:


Click on the image to enlarge

Screenshot 1


Screenshot 2

Notice the difference? I use the same addons on both Firefoxes. Any idea what could be causing the font-smoothing difference?

More Info:

Use hardware acceleration when available — option is checked in both browsers.

Adjust ClearType text — settings checked. Both have the same.

✔ Both systems have the font (Open Sans) installed locally. Same quality ttf files.

Best Answer

In about:config, check the settings for gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params and compare them between your desktop and laptop.

Source: DirectWrite Text Rendering in Firefox 6


These are effectively local overrides of ClearType registry settings that are set by running the ClearType tuner tool (Control Panels > Fonts > ClearType Text Settings).

I didn't get to test these configurations because I don't have Mozilla Firefox on Windows 7 at the moment, but judging from that article, it looks like this may be the answer you're looking for.

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