Linux – Mounting ntfs subdirectories of device

arch linuxlinuxmountntfspermissions

I have an external hard drive mounted in arch-linux using /etc/fstab:

dev/sda1       /mnt/share      ntfs-3g user,users,gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0

charles@arch ~ $ ls -l /mnt/share
total 13
drwxrwxr-x 1 root users 4096 Jan  5 03:20 Audio
drwxrwxr-x 1 root users 4096 Jan  5 09:07 Photos
drwxrwxr-x 1 root users    0 Jan  4 10:58 $RECYCLE.BIN
drwxrwxr-x 1 root users 4096 Jan  5 09:21 Videos

All directores are owned by root:users and I can't change ownership, nor create a subdirectory with different ownership (as it's ntfs).

Let's suppuse the hard disk has subdirectories hdd_subdir_1 and hdd_subdir_2, both top-level. In addition, I have root user and unpriv, a completely unproviliged user on linux.

I wish to mount the device with 2 mountpoints:

  1. /mnt/share/subdir_1 as mount point as above, pointing to hdd_subdir_1 on device;
  2. /mnt/share/subdir_2 as mount point, where /mnt/share/subdir2 is owned by unpriv:unpriv, pointing to hdd_subdir_2 on device.

So 2 different default privileges, 2 mount points, 1 device. How do I do this? If not for the different privileges, I'd just set up symlinks or use mount -bind. But I can't make it work for the use case above. Thanks!

Best Answer

I am able to accomplish the setup above now, by a combination of local settings and /etc/fstab settings.

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