Windows – More than one ‘Open xxxxx here as Administrator’


I want the option to open a Command window or Powershell window as Administrator from the drive and directory context menus in Windows.

I can have either by creating and populating the special 'runas' registry keys shown below, but is there a way I can have both listed on the context menu and have both run as Administrator?


Best Answer

Next registry hack works for directories on Windows 8.1:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="CMD here as administrator"

@="cmd.exe /S /K pushd \"%V\""

@="PowerShell here as administrator"

@="Powershell Start-Process PowerShell -verb runas -ArgumentList '-noexit', 'Push-Location -literalPath ''\"%V\"'''"

You could add analogous runas and runasPowerShell subkeys for drives under the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell] as well.

Run both CMD and PowerShell with elevated privileges

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