Missing basic packages like pkg_add


I recently performed a fresh install of 10.1-RELEASE (amd/x64_86) due to a botched upgrade. It seems like I'm missing basic utilities, like pkg_add. find / -name pkg_add is returning 0 hits (even when run as root). ports and portmaster seems to be missing too (the only hit is in usr/ports/port-mgmt/portmaster, and its a directory and not a program.

When I try to run the following to boot strap it:

setenv PACKAGESITE pkg.us-east.FreeBSD.org

Results in:

pkg: Error fetching pkg.us-east.FreeBSD.org/Latest/pkg.txz: Invalid URL scheme.

But according to Official FreeBSD Binary Packages now available for pkgng its supposed to just work…

I've also tried using setting PACKAGESITE ports-mgmt/pkg; and setting PACKAGEROOT and ftp://ftp3.FreeBSD.org with no joy.

Also, this was not helpful: pkg_add: command not found. It does not seem to be a path problem because it cannot be found with find.

Why was a package manager not installed by default? Or why does it not work (am I doing something obviously wrong)???

How do I install the basic packages, like pkg_add?

Sorry about the basic question. pkg_add is what I use to install packages, so I'm a bit lost when its missing.

Best Answer

FreeBSD 10 uses the new Packagetool pkg instead of pkg_add.

See https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/pkgng-intro.html

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