Windows – Migrating Google Chrome profile from Windows 7 to Windows 8 resulted in “corrupted” profile

google-chromewindows 7windows 8

So I bought this new computer with Windows 8 on it. Before I can just copy and paste the user profile folder from old computer to new computer and voila, it works. But not with Windows 8. I tried to copy and replace the "C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data", no success. Chrome completely ignored the profile, bookmarks showed up but all extension and history gone.

Only copy and replace "C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default", similar result, bookmarks ok but everything else gone.

Is the change really that dramatic? Anything I could do to migrate my profile? I am mainly trying to preserve all the settings for each extensions I have fine-tuned during the past few years.


Best Answer

Several files of Google Chrome profile are encrypted with DPAPI. Keys used to encrypt data are stored in "the user profile under RootDirectory \Documents and Settings\< username >\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect" -; and additionally encrypted by combination of User SID and hash of his password.

There are some solutions to decrypt data: and (which gives more details about encryption mode and key file used). DPAPI decryptor may also work offline (reading files from the harddrive of another windows installation). But they both can't reencrypt data with newer keys or import data into new profile.

There are also some ideas to migrate all user keys to another installation of the Windows (search internet by "dpapimig.exe" for such kind of instructions):