Microsoft Visio branching connectors


In Visio 2007, how would you use a connector as a data bus to reach multiple shapes? From what I've read, there is no branching connector. You have to use multiple connectors and that is really messy. For example, this is the only way I know how to depict this in Visio:

enter image description here

I would like to do something like this:

enter image description here

Are there any Visio shapes that can do this?

Best Answer

For Visio 2007, Use tree shapes to represent hierarchical stages in a tree diagram:

  1. From Blocks, drag a tree shape onto the drawing page.

    a.If you want two branches, use a Double-tree shape.

    b.If you want two or more branches, use a Multi-tree shape.

2.Drag the endpoints on the tree shapes to connection points on block shapes. The endpoints turn red when they are glued.

3.Drag the control handles on the tree shapes to create more branches or to change the branch length or position.

Tree Diagram Thank you Microsoft!

(1)Drag the control handle on the trunk to the right to create more branches.

(2)Drag the control handle at the end of a branch horizontally or vertically to change its position.

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