Microsoft Internet Explorer: “Your browser does not support this video codec (wmv, flv)”

codecinternet explorervideo

I'm trying to watch the video in Internet Explorer 11 x64 (Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate). I have the following error message: "Your browser does not support this video codec (wmv, flv)". How can I solve this issue without switching browser? (*)

enter image description here

(*) I need to stay on Internet Explorer 11 as I want to use StreamTransport to download the video, and it uses Internet Explorer 11 to get the video stream.

Edit: My MSIE add-ons: I have 32-bit Adobe Flash but no 64-bit Adobe Flash. Installing 64-bit Adobe Flash solved the issue.

enter image description here

PS: to know whether Internet Explorer (aka. MSIE) 11 is 32-bit or 64-bit, on a 64-bit Windows:

  • if MSIE is in C:\Program Files (x86), then it is 32-bit
  • if MSIE is in C:\Program Files, then it is 64-bit.

Also, the shortcut in the start menu sometimes indicate 32 or 64.

Best Answer

Are you using 64-bit Internet Explorer 11? If so, make sure you have 64-bit Adobe Flash installed. Like goes with like: for 64-bit IE, you need 64-bit Flash; for 32-bit IE, you need 32-bit Flash. You can have both installed on the same computer.