Microsoft Edge – High CPU Usage


Microsoft Edge has abnormally high CPU Usage on my computer, just upgraded to Windows 10. When I open in it, it consumes about 50% of my CPU even after the page loads, for a SINGLE tab. When I open two to three more tabs, the browser is basically unusable. However, when I load the same page in IE with Tracking Protection on, it consumes negligible CPU. My machine is a laptop with Intel Dual-Core T4500 2.3 GHz.

Is the problem in my Windows 10 installation, or is because the browser is crap?

Best Answer

I think you answered it yourself although the browser isn't totally crap but the underlying engine has some very obvious design flaws which causes it to use far more CPU cycles and RAM than other browsers. Chrome isn't a frugal program when it comes to RAM but it doesn't have this CPU overload flaw.

The fix will have to be with the developers rewriting the effected code...

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