Merging free space & unallocated space in Hard Drive


Here is a screenshot of my Hard Disk's present condition:


Now I want to add the 30.00 GB Free space to 20.91 GB unallocated(It was previously a primary partition) so that I get 50 GB unallocated space. Is it possible? I've heard that Gparted can do operations like this. But is it possible to add Free space to Unallocated space?

Finally done it using EaseUS Partition Master 9.1.1 Home Edition. It needed a reboot though, worked just fine.

Best Answer

It looks as if you have a disk with a MBR setup.

MBR allows for only 4 partitions. If you want to use more than four then one of these four must be of type 'secondary'. In your case that is the 'green' partition in this picture:

enter image description here

You can try the following things to merge the 20 and 30GB parts:

  1. Shrink the secondary partition by 30GB. That will result in 50GB free space.
  2. Increase the secondary partition by 20.91GB, resulting in 51GB free space inside the secondary partition.

I suspect the windows build in tools can do both of that, if not use partition magic or a similar tools.

Regardless of what you use: make a backup first. A power failure during a partition move can really ruin your day.

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