Word – Merging citations in MS Word 2007

citationsmicrosoft word

In MS Word 2007, when I add three citations in a document, it shows up as


Is there any way to merge it so that it shows up like shown below?


Best Answer

I figured out a work-around. Just select the text of the related citation numbers and bookmark it, and then cross-reference that bookmark,

where the bookmark is done by: ++ (Autohotkey code: Send !ik)

and the cross-reference is done by: ++ (Autohotkey code: Send !nr) then go to the "Bookmark" reference type.

For instance my automatically-generated bibliography shows something like this:

[1] Citation 1
[2] Citation 2
[3] Citation 3

I select the text 1 within [1] and name the bookmark as "Citation_1_merge", and then select the text 3 within [3] and name the bookmark as "Citation_3_merge". Then in the crossreference I insert the bookmarked entries to get 1 and 3, with the "[", "-", and "]" typed in manually to get the result of


NOTE / CAVEAT: This method works best when you bookmark static text, i.e.: citations are finalized in the document. Otherwise, doing a + -> update will eliminate these bookmarks.