Excel – Merge multiple columns into one

mergemicrosoft excelspreadsheet

In Excel, I'd like to merge/combine the data of multiple, nonconsecutive columns into one (excluding the headers, preferably on another sheet).

Example: I have a sheet containing rows of names which contain data for up to three choices made, along with any options for that choice in the next respective column. The choices are in columns C, E, and G; some of which are blank. The options are in columns D, F, and H; some of which are blank.

From that data, I’d first like to create a new sheet with all the choices combined into one column, and their respective options in the next column. I’d then like to remove any rows that have blank cells in the “options” column.

I’m currently manually copy-pasting these to a new sheet, then finding any blank cells and deleting their respective rows.

What is the most effective way to do this?

Pre-formatted sheet with raw data |
Desired result from raw data

Best Answer

Power Query has commands to combine columns. The result can be placed in a new sheet.

Formulas are another option, along the lines of


Copy down.

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