Laptop Cooling – Maximum Temperature and Cooling Options


So I have a Compaq CQ50-215CA and my sister was using her laptop on her bed and I was just using it quickly to check my email. The surface of the laptop was really hot and I opened Speccy to see that the CPU and GPU temperature was 96 C. A couple months ago, my laptop was on the desk without a cooling pad and I was playing a game. Using GPU-Z back then, I had a reading of 104 C. Even with a cooling pad on a desk, running several processes/games keeps me around 88-90 C.

Is this normal for a laptop and what's the highest temperature the internals can handle? Besides a cooling pad, are there any other more effective ways of cooling a laptop?

Best Answer

Numbers I like to go with for laptop innards are:

0-40C = Cold.
50-70C = Typical-ish use, still safe.
70-85C = Heavy use, consider moving to flat surface, elevating, or cooling it.
85+ = Hot!  Go take a break.

Considering your machine uses a Turion QL-60 1.9Ghz Dual-core, I'd say something's working REAL hard, or it was on that bed roasting for a good amount of time. Found spec doc here, not sure if it's accurate though :

I carry an Everki Chill Pill for when I'm on-the-go: -- It's a simple little bean that splits in half and elevates the notebook about half an inch, which is sufficient for my machine. ymmv.

I have a Logitech Alto Express at work, which has a curved channel that promotes airflow in addition to raising the unit to eye-level: A fancier model with a USB hub and a keyboard exist too.

I'm not too much of a fan of the cooling pads that forcefully push air through the chassis, but I know some machines can definitely benefit from them. I haven't had too much experience with these.

Cleaning out your machine like Dmatig suggested is number one though -- I cleaned out a friend's notebook after he deployed to Iraq. Red sand, and Kool-Aid Mix (absorbed moisture and turned into a thick sticky goo that attracted more dust and lint) had caked inside the heatsink fins and was choking the poor machine.


Thankfully, the thermal zones were obeyed and the machine downclocked or shutdown each time a dangerous temperature was reached. Applied some fresh heatsink paste and the machine was running much cooler.

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