Windows – Mass Checksumming tool for Windows

checksumcommand linerecursivewindows

I'm looking for a command line tool for windows that will go over a directory tree (recursively) and output a list of all the files in there, and a checksum for each file (can be CRC, MD5, whatever).

Esentially, what I want is to compare 2 big directory trees in 2 machines. I'm planning to take the outputs of running this tool in both, and diffing them to make sure they're identical.

I appreciate any ideas.

Best Answer

hashutils and HashCheck are the best packages I've found on Windows so far. Both tools are open source from the same author, but HashCheck is a shell extension and hashutils is a set of CLI tools. In my testing, they're significantly faster than the ported unxutils versions. (Despite the expectation that they'd be I/O bound.)

I also think that these tools are better than the often-mentioned HashTab, and if I could get to the Ars OpenForum, I'd link a post I wrote up with my justification.

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